Rice for Fishermen Prepared

BREBES, Kompas – Brebes Regency Government, Central Java, prepares 60 tons rice for local fishermen. The effort is conducted as one of the efforts to assist the fishermen experiencing revenue crisis due to high waves halting them from sailing.

Around 12,000 fishermen will receive the aid. “We have governmental rice reserve of 100 tons so 60 tons of which will be distributed to traditional fishermen. Last year, we also conducted similar things to the fishermen during this season,” said Brebes Regency Maritime and Fishery Department Head, Tandi, on Saturday in Brebes.

High waves will still occur in some Indonesian areas. Based on the information from Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG)’s official page on Sunday (1/11), the air stream exceeding 50 kilometers per hour crosses the area to the low pressure area in northern Australia. The air stream comes from western Pacific Ocean, South China Sea, and Philippines. Consequently, strong wind blows and sparks high waves around the waters crossed by the air stream, for example Maluku waters.

Wave height in some waters of 2-3 meters may occur in eastern Seram Sea and in Banda Sea for 3-4 meters. Wave height of 4-5 meters may occur in Tanimbar Islands, Letti Islands, and Arafura Sea.

Ambon’s Pattimura Meteorology Station BMKG Head, George Mahubessy, said strong wind will keep occurring until Tuesday (1/13) since the current air pressure of 1,000-1,004 millibars tends to drop. If the pressure is below 1,000 millibars, hurricane will strike.

Ein Jerusu, a resident of Romang Island, Southwest Maluku, said high wave has occurred for almost a week. “People still cannot go anywhere since they have no vessels. The biggest vessel berthed in ROmang is KM Manusela but it cannot sail since it cannot face the wave,” Ein said.

6 Meters

The waves in Natuna Sea will also reach 6 meters. Such wave is dangerous for the fishing vessels in Natuna and Anambas, two Riau Islands’ regencies located in Natuna Sea.

Anambas Maritime and Fishery Department Head, Yunizar, said the prediction of sea condition and wind speed BMKG received stated the wave will reach 6 meters. “The lowest wave is predicted to reach 3 meters. The vessels having below 10-GT capacity is suggested to not sail,” he said.

Not only fishermen, vessel operators and users are also warned to be careful since the condition may quickly change. “The weather during departure may be good but in the middle of sea, it may be full of strong wind,” he said.

Meanwhile, the residents staying in coastal area of some islands in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) were warned to be cautious over abrasion and high waves during bad weather. If the weather is really bad, the residents should temporarily move to their neighbors or relatives’ houses which are relatively safer. In the future, the local government must issue a regulation about coastal areas and small islands by prohibiting people to build houses in coastal areas.

NTT Local Disaster Mitigation Agency Head, Tadeus Tini, in Kupang, on Sunday said the houses located in coastal areas are prone to abrasion and tidal wave. In this season, the houses located in coastal area are threatened by such disasters.

“In Kupang City, for example, the tidal wave-prone areas are located along coast line in the districts of Namosaen, Pasir Panjang, and Oesapa. In 2014, 27 houses in Namosaen were struck by tidal wave after the wave damaged breakwater wall. This year, not only Namosaen but 50 houses in Oesapa and Pasir Panjang coasts are also threatened,” Tadeus said.

Meanwhile, in northern coast of Java, after being calm for four days, the wave in Java’s northern coast is getting high again. Some traditional fishermen in Tegal regency, Central Java, are forced to halt their fishing activities and to return to land before sailing time is over.

“In Saturday morning, we departed for fishing but around 10 a.m., we were forced to go home,” said Ranito (38), a fisherman from Munjung Agung Village, Kramat District, Tegal Regency.

According to him, since Tuesday (1/6), the wave in Java Sea has been calm. Fishermen start to sail. However, in Saturday afternoon, the wave got high. Fishermen, including himself who have gone fishing since 5 a.m., finally decided to go home.

“At that time, sea wave in coastal area reached 2 meters while in the middle of sea, the height reached 3 meters. Instead of getting accident, we chose to go back to land,” he said. (Kompas)

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