Pelindo I Optimists To Scoop IDR223 Billion Profit


MEDAN: Management of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero) or Pelindo I is optimist the IDR223 billion profit targets will be met following the operation of devices in Belawan International Container Terminal (BICT).

This was revealed in work meeting 2012 conducted on Friday, September 14, 2012 at Pelindo I Medan Head Office which followed by all central office management and all branches representatives. This meeting was aimed to develop the company’s budget working plan (RKAP) in 2013 which includes corporate profit-loss exploitation plans, investment programs, and management work program.

Pelindo I President Director Alfred Natsir emphasized the cooperation to build this company, so the defined goals can be achieved.

Alfred expected through this meeting the management can determine the company’s development, the current conditions and future prospects, as well as identify issues and opportunities for companies to be well-managed for the interest of the company. “Of course it is also a moment to exchange information between branches and motivate each other in advancing the company’s according to their respective roles,” he says.

Alfred is optimistic that Pelindo I exceed the profit target set at IDR223 billion in 2012.

Up to the first half of 2012 the profit after tax reached IDR105 billion. With the operation of several new equipments in BICT, he expected the profit realization can exceed the target.

BICT is still the largest profit contributor to Pelindo I, followed by Dumai Port and Belawan Branch.

A number of ports which were used to losing were slowly able to overcome and posted a positive contribution. For example, Pelindo I Sibolga Branch which has been posting positive contribution to Pelindo I Medan in the last two years.

Pelindo I Sibolga Manager Sihar Sihite confirmed the Sihite port was able to post IDR1.28 billion profit. Pelindo I Medan President Director added that the meeting has set a profit target amounting to IDR400 billion in 2013. (T07/aph)


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