Orient Overseas Eyes 8% Higher Growth On Containers Volume

JAKARTA – Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL), a Hong Kong based global shipping company, is targeting the growth of export import containers volume coming from and to Tanjung Priok port of Jakarta, especially for TPK (Container Terminal) Koja and JICT (Jakarta International Container Terminal), to reach 7%-8% every year.

President Director of PT OOCL Indonesia Eric Tjandra said the containers volume or export import throughput of OOCL ships coming from and to Priok port reached 282,000 twenty foot equivalent units (TEUs) in 2013 with the descriptions of 220,000 TEUs in TPK Koja and 62,000 TEUs in JICT.

“Hopefully, we could transport containers volume up to 300,000 TEUs in 2014. We are optimistic that the average number growth could reach 7%-8% per year,” he said at the launching of green port program in TPK Koja, Thursday (06/26/2014).

The green port program launching was marked with the planting of trees around TPP (customs storage area) Koja by the representatives of OOCL management and witnessed by Deputy General Manager of Human Resource of TPK Koja Nurjadin Surur.

According to Eric, OOCL which is currently one of shipping companies with largest container throughput contribution in TPK Koja has operated two container ships in Priok port which include a ship under the capacity of 4,500 TEUs to serve export import with the routes of Jakarta-South China-Japan.


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