Oman Navy Affirms Counter-Piracy Involvement


EU NAVFO commander, Rear Admiral Dupuis meets with  Rear Admiral Mohammed Al-Farsi, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Royal Omani Navy, to discuss piracy in the region

During a port visit by EU Naval Force Flag Ship FS MARNE in Salalah (Oman), the EUNAVFOR Force Commander Rear Admiral Dupuis flew to Muscat to meet Omani maritime authorities.

Discussions focused on the current positive developments in counter piracy and their possible reasons (30 attacks in early 2012 compared with 111 for the same period in 2011).

The Omani authorities have reiterated their interest and involvement in the fight against piracy and more generally in monitoring their territorial waters.

The practicalities of everyday communication were also discussed, in order to facilitate the exchanges of information, particularly about ships flying the flag of Oman.

Oman is particularly concerned by the scourge of piracy due to the heavy traffic of dhows carrying goods from Somalia to the port of Salalah. These have sometimes been victims of pirates in Omani waters, leading the Navy and the Coast Guard to carry out increasing controls of commercial traffic from Somalia. Dhows could indeed be used as mother ships to hijack merchant vessels departing from Salalah.



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