New Navigation System Adds to SCI’s Simulators


Many of today’s commercial vessels benefit from having an Electronic Charting System, or ECS, on board. These systems help mariners make critical decisions regarding the safety of their crew, cargo and environment. Now, thanks to a collaboration with Rose Point Navigation Systems, these mariners will find the same highly developed technology in the Seamen’s Church Institute’s (SCI) simulators in Paducah, KY and Houston, TX. The Redmond, WA-based navigation software developer has donated its current computer-based navigation information system to give mariners the opportunity to incorporate these tools into their training.

ECSs integrate various data from satellites and navigational sensors to provide mariners with information on how best to maneuver and safely operate vessels. More and more often, maritime companies are making available this technology on their vessels (Rose Point has around 100 fleets using their software) because of the benefits to navigation—even though no current USCG regulation exists mandating use.

Rose Point ECS accurately calculates distances and provides continuous position and navigational information. Key features for mariners include a Passing Point Predictor, which helps navigators plan where certain events will occur on the river, and Rate of Turn Course Predictor, predicting a vessel’s position based on the current speed and rate of turn. The ECS displays these data on a clear, customizable display with information of the depth of water and topography of the shoreline.

Rose Point Navigation Systems’ ECS also helps examine accidents after the fact, recording activity during navigation and allowing playback for evaluation. In SCI’s simulator, this technology will aid in debriefing. Mariners and instructors will scrutinize details from the training simulations at SCI and apply the lessons to real-life situations. “For example,” says Jeff Hummel from Rose Point Navigation Systems, “A certain bridge may be difficult to get under. We can use recordings from the ECS interfaced to the simulator to show people the conditions and how others did it successfully.”

The acquisition of this technology benefits SCI’s quality of training. Greg Menke, Director of SCI’s Center for Maritime Education in Paducah, KY, says, “The new alliance with Rose Point Navigations Systems allows us to provide navigation software many of our students already use in the pilothouse and gives them quality tools to train in our facilities and prepare for real-life situations on the water.”


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