MV Smart operation for removing oil from ship


MV Smart stricken bulk carrier that had troubles off Richards Bay is not an immediate pollution menace to the coastline according to the maritime and environmental authorities.

The ship struck in a sandbank some day ago in rough waters while departing from Richards Bay.

The South African Maritime Safety Authority (Samsa) informed that the bulk carrier MV Smart is a threat because of the fuel on board.

It is known that on board the vessel is an estimated 1 769 tons of fuel oil and 129 tons of diesel oil. Salvage operation already begun and the first step will be the fuel of the MV Smart to be removed. The second step will be removal of 148 000 tons of coal.

For the moment there is no fuel leaking but still the danger is real. Also coal dust is seen to come out from the ship. The salvage operation of MV Smart will be lead by the Durban-based maritime services company, the Subtech Group reporting that will need at least a month to finish the work. Off course all depends of the weather conditions.

All shipping operations at the port of Richards Bay had returned to normal.

The ship began sinking on Monday after the bow sustained severe damage about 30 nautical miles off Buffels Bay, where it ran aground on August 8.







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