MOL COMFORT Floating Containers


The container ship MOL COMFORT  split into 2 parts, the aft part sank and the fore section is being towed to the coast of the Sultanate. Salvage tugs had to tow the vessel in Oman but the information is not confirmed.

It is known that the after part sank and 1,700 containers with it, some of the cargo was detected floating near the site. 1,500 metric tons of fuel is estimated to be aboard MOL COMFORT in the aft part. Salvage operation is led by M/S Smit Singapore.

The adverse weather was making the monitoring difficult but the Indian Navy was tracking the vessel all the time. The Coast Guard was also prepared pollution of oil spill and for that a pollution control vessel was sent at the place of the incident.

There is a danger from floating containers that may be driven to the the Goa-Konkan coast despite the fact that the aft part was too far from the coast.

Coast Guard Deputy Inspector General S. D. Bhanot informed:

“There is no fear that they will reach the coast; they will sink midway. The ICG is keeping a close watch (on the situation),”.

Authorities in the Sindhudurg and Ratnagiri districts of Maharashtra are also monitoring the situation and are ready to take measures. Fishermen and people living near the coast are warned not to touch the containers that float onto the shore.






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