Merauke’s RCC Held the Social Service


In order to welcome Christmas day in 2013, Regional Coordinating Center of Merauke carried out the social activities of renewing the color of St. Petrus Paulus Church, Saturday (14-12-2013). The team of IMSCB led by the Head of RCC Merauke, Maritime Sergeant Mayor Ade Kurniawan handed the paint and the kits to the church board. Thus, the team was assisted by the member of the church and the local people to start the painting process at 09.00 until 12.30 WIT.

The Church which located at Arafuru Yobar II Street, Samkai sub-district Papua Province, formerly was covered in yellow paint and after the re-paint it covered in blue for the outside wall and white color for the interior, apart from the wall, the door, carpentry and seats in the church were also re-paint.

The local residents were enthusiastic and enjoyed the social service that was held, they hoped this activity can be carried out by IMSCB every year in different locations. So that each Church which the construction was still in bad shaped could be touched by the assistance from IMSCB.

The Social service was carried out simultaneously in all RCC, MRCC, GS of IMSCB from Aceh to Merauke, also the Korkamla Team, as a form of IMSCB concern to the community that needed the assistance. Various kinds of activity in every regional office of IMSCB such as the division staple foods, the distribution life jacket to fishermen, blood donor, and the assistance to the church.




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