KKP Verifies Transshipment Vessels

DEMAK – Maritime and Fishery Ministry (KKP) will immediately verify the vessels operated for fishery transshipment at sea to ensure fish landing is conducted according to rules. “Transshipment prohibition is implemented to revive economic activities in coastal areas,” said KKP Secretary General, Sjarief Widjaja, in Demak on Tuesday (12/23).

If there are several business groups using transshipment method for their business interest, he said, it must be proven. He added there will be verification process for it. “We want to ensure the fishermen really land their captured fishes at sea,” he said.

If verification process shows no problems, he said, they can continue their business. Principally, all fishes captured by fishermen must be landed to run the economic activities in coastal areas including fish processing business and other similar business which can also be improved. “If the captured fishes are moved to other vessels at sea and brought to other countries, the economic activities in coastal areas cannot run,” he said.

He expected the fishermen in Demak Regency do not sell their catches at sea. They should land it to live the economy of coastal areas. At least, Fishery Auction Location (TPI) in Demak Regency can be crowded, women can work, and fish smoking production houses can be developed. “If the activities are clear and buyers are available, banks will give capital support,” he said.

To obtain capital access, he said, fishermen must process TPI land certificate since capital loan interest for fishermen is low. (Investor Daily)

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