Japanese Ambassador Is Impressed with Susi

All people know the most outstanding minister in Working Cabinet is Maritime and Fishery (KP) Minister, Susi Pudjiastuti. Her style and working performance draw attention from some diplomats including Japanese Ambassador for Indonesia, Yasuaki Tanizaki.

When visiting Rakyat Merdeka yesterday, Tanizaki admitted he is impressed with Susi and other ministers in Jokowi’s cabinet. “She is an incredible figure. Her alto voice is very typical,” he talked about Susi.

Tanizaki started his task in Indonesia since September. He has visited some ministries and met several Indonesia’s top politicians such as Megawati, Hatta Radjasa, political party leaders, and governmental institution leaders.

He used to meet Jokowi several times, including when he served as Jakarta governor. Tanizaki admitted he is impressed and calls Jokowi as a genius person. He compliments Jokowi as a person who has quick understanding and can understand problems.

“I met Jokowi when he served a Jakarta governor. At that time, I have been impressed with him. I used to be tested and asked. I worried with the answer I gave. However, he smiled. I think I pass the test,” he said laughing. Unfortunately, Tanizaki did not reveal what question Jokowi asked at that time.

According to him, the government and all of Japanese citizens really await President Jokowi’s visit to his country. Jokowi is deemed as a tough and straight-to-the-point figure who impresses many elements. “We do not know when President Jokowi will visit Japan but I hope he can do it immediately,” he added.

Regarding ministers, Tanuzaki admitted he used to visit some ministries to create cooperation. He told his impression to KP Ministry, Susi Pudjiastuti, and Transportation Ministry, Ignasius Jonan.

According to Tanizaki, Susi is a minister having clear working targets and knowing what to do. “Besides being a successful businesswoman, Susi is also a talented politician,” he said. He admitted he used to meet Susi, to discuss the cooperation to eradicate illegal fishing, and to open opportunity for Japanese investors to enter Indonesian fishery business.

Japan compliments Indonesian government to punish illegal fishermen. “That is a tough effort. However, No Japanese fishermen conduct illegal fishing in Indonesian waters,” he said laughing.

Ambassador Tanuzaki delivered his government’s readiness to support maritime axis. Even, he is ready to assist in terms of financing with soft scheme like 20-year loan repayment and 0.8-percent interest rate.

Japan also concerned infrastructure development. Specifically discussing Cilamaya Port construction, for example, Tanizaki said he has met Transportation Minister, Ignasius Jonan, twice.

The diplomat favoring Padang food said Indonesian government seriously wants to construct Cilamaya Port since Tanjung Priok Port has been over capacity. Cilamaya will have s strategic role to support the industrial area outside Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi (Jabodetabek) areas especially Cikarang, Karawang, Cikampek, and Purwakarta. “I think Jonan seriously wants to complete this project. I believe this project can be successfully completed,” he believed.

Tanizaki is a senior diplomat. He is 63 years old but still looks energetic. His unique hobby is scuba diving. He said he really wants to dive in Manado if he is not busy. Visiting the readction office for an hour, Tanizaki was accompanied by Culture and Media Attache, Ayako Masuda, who fluently speaks Indonesian language.

Regarding the meeting with some Indonesian politicians such as Megawati and Hatta Radjasa, Tanizaki did not want to reveal the information. According to him, talking with politicians must be careful. “Since the discussion may mention sensitive issues,” he said. However, he was happy since all political party leaders have similar belief to this government. “I heard from both, Jokowi’s government will be successful. They believe that and I am glad to hear it,” he told his separate meeting with Megawati and Hatta. (Rakyat Merdeka)

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