IPC II Reached The Profit Of 1.405 Trillion


IN FIRST semester of this year, IPC II had booked the pre-tax profit of Rp. 1.405 trillion, increasing 44.92% from the same period last year (Semester I 2011) which was of 970 billion.

Such profit gain, according to RJ Lino, the Managing Director of IPC II was calculated from total income of Rp. 2.991 trillion on first semester of 2012 or increased of 41.09% if compared with the same period last year.

”Besides, our profit gain is supported by other business income, where on Semester I 2012 it reached Rp. 368.88 million, increased 37.73% from semester I 2012,” he said.

Lino said, the increment of financial performance became one of positive results from infrastructure and service improvement in twelve ports managed by IPC II.

”In this Semester I 2012, container flow is also raise between 18.52% than the same periode in 2011. By June 2012, container flow in 12 ports branches of IPC II had noted of 3,584,708 twenty-feet equivalent units (TEUs), raised 26.11% if compared with the same period last year which served of 2,842,361 TEUs,” he said.

And container flow in TanjungPriok port, said Lino became the largest contributor by serving of 3,281,001 TEUs container or raised 20.25% than semester I 2011 of 2,728,386 TEUs.

”The corporate profit increment is certainly in line with government program to accelerate economical development and increasing market force, then the corporate keep pushing varied steps to support service effectiveness and efficiency,” he said.

Varied efforts, said Lino, will be implemented this year, they are stevedoring appliance procurement, piling yard expansion, formation and communication technology (ICT) based service implementation. Port is one important component in economy and must innovate in renewing national economy cycle,” said Lino.

”This year, IPC II had prepared 51 stevedoring appliances, they are 10 mobile crane, 12 rubber tyre crane and 4 container crane. This stevedoring appliance procurement is aimed to raise stevedoring process effectiveness in all port under brance of IP II,” Lino added.


While for area development, said Lino, IPC II has been focusing on expansion and arrangement efforts for piling yard in TanjungPriok Car Terminal.

”Presently, piling yard width in TanjungPriok Car Terminal is 15.667 hectare (ha). The expansion will be conducted by open ex-DKB area of 13.4 ha. The available land utilization held to anticipate load on-off activities in TanjungPriok Cr Terminal which tend to increase over years. In period January-June 2012, mobile production in TanjungPriok Car Terminal reached of 167,748 unit or increased of 47,53% from the same period last year of 113,701 unit,” he said.

In other hand, said the best State-Owned Enterprise CEO, IPC II will drive the operationalization of Jakarta International Container Terminal (JICT) 2 which presently in idle condition, as an international service terminal.

”As one of stockholder in JICT, we keep pushing JICT 2 to be maximally operated as international terminal. It conducted by deepen the pool from -8m Low Water Spring (LWS) to be -12 mLWS to make this area as load on/of terminal for better export-import activities,” he said.


Rank 59

In this opportunity, RJ Lino re-stated about load on/of service. World Bank had noted international shipping efficiency increase from 2.82 to be 2.97 with logistic time effectiveness from 3.46 to be 3.61. For logistic performance index (LPI) 2012 released by the World Bank, Indoensia had reached rank of 59 from 75 on 2012.

“The highest increase is on soft infrastructure area, including logistic handler and tracking and tracing competency by commodity owner. Logistic handler competency indicator increased from 2.47 in 2010 to be 2.85 in 2012, while tracking and tracing from 2.77 to 3.12,” said Lino.

The Personnel Director and Managing Director of IPC, CiptoPramono, added, ass the part of company transformation, we have been started to implement tracking and tracing system in ports we’re managed. This system will facilitate commodity owner in looking for information on commodity processing in real time and it will make Indonesian logistic system more efficient.

”Beside investment in infrastructure sector, we (IPC II) have been improving human resource quality for the answer of port industry challenge in future. After in 2011/2012 period sent 19 employees, the company in this year will send 18 best employees to follow master education program to university in Europe and Asia, and also 16 employees in domestic universities. Previously, in 2009-2011, the company had send 115 employees to foreign countries for post-graduation education or training course,” said Cipto.

Cipto said, on the efforts in raising human resource quality, his office had accepted Contribution to the Organization Award from Independent Awards Committee Asia HRD Congress 2012 in Bangalore India on 11 July 2012.

“This award had conveyed to the company who hold transformation through innovative system and process introduction toward the organization providing positive impacts on their employee productivities,” he said.

According to Cipto, his office had noted income per employee of Rp. 1,192 million in Semester I 2012. ”This amount is increased 28.35% from Semester I 2012 income of Rp. 854 million. The number obtained in this year had closing the predetermined budget for 2012, that is Rp. 1,964 million,” he said.

RJ Lino added, in mid-year, Cipto said, his office had informed its inisiative to the government to form main-sea corridor or National pendumum for the creation of integrated logistic system. This corridor had planned to involve TanjungPriok, Belawa, Batam, Makassar and Sorong as primary port for west to east areas of Indonesia. This system will enable commodity distribution in much larger amounts with large capacity ships in shorter time, so that there will be economical growth even distribution in all Indonesian regions.

”Asian region, presently, had become a world focus with the rapid growing economy. It provides many opportunities for the countries involved, including Indonesia. We have to take this opportunity by strengthen and modernize our port infrastructure. As part of Indonesia, we support the growth of efficient and modern logistic system. By advanced port, commerce will rapidly grown domestically and increase world trust on Indonesia with modern logistic system,”





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