Integrated Maritime Safety Operation in Jepara

IMSCB held the 6th Forum Group Discussion about Regional Maritime Safety in Jepara, Central java on April 16 2014. The event was opened by the Head of Policy Preparation Activities of IMSCB Maritime Colonel Yansen Angkouw,, SH. Moreover, the speakers in the event were attended by First Admiral (Ret) Sukerni M. Yassin, SH (Law Consultant), Mr. Desse Yussubrasta, M.Hum (Head of Exploration section, Ministry of Education and Culture), AKP Tri Sudagdo (Representatives of Central Java Police), Captain Jaka D. Cahyanta (Representatives of Semarang Harbor), and as the moderator was Dr. Retno Saraswati (Lecturer of Law Faculty at Diponegoro University).

In addition, the theme rose in the event was ‘’Good Governance at Sea in order to create the safety and discipline in Maritime Society’’. Thus, IMSCB wanted to introduce and to get close to the maritime society and the local government in order to socialize about the main duties, functions, and the role of IMSCB to develop the maritime society. For instance, the use of IMSCB’s call center (021) 500 500 / 127 which concern to the maritime issues and the law enforcement.

Thus, the event was attended by 50 participants consisted of several related institutions, the developer in maritime area, and the fishermen. Clearly, the event was running in an informal, constructive ways. It could be seen from the participant’s enthusiasm during the presentation and the discussion which take about 120 minutes. As the leader of DPC HNSI ‘’Mr. Sugiatno’’ said that the addition number of the life jacket being distributed was hoped by the fishermen since many of them hasn’t received the tool yet. Also, he expected that IMSCB might become the IMSB that could run the maritime safety operation in one command and integrated with the other related agency. Nevertheless, he also suggested that all the regulation for the fishermen should be simplified.

Finally, the discussion was closed by the Maritime Colonel Yansen Angkouw, S.St, SH by distributing the life jacket in the symbolical way into the fishermen in Jepara.

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