Infrastructures Become the Target in 2015

JAKARTA, Kompas – The government targeted to develop and to construct Merak-Bakauheni ferriage berth and Trans-Sumatra Highway in March 2015. The irrigation development for 1 to 1.5 million-hectare land also becomes the prioritized development in 2015.

It was delivered by President Joko Widodo in a special interview with Kompas in Jakarta last weekend. “This year, I have instructed to develop Trans-Sumatra Highway in March,” said President Jokowi on Saturday (1/24) in Jakarta. Trans-Sumatra Highway, connecting Lampung to Palembang, is planned to be developed with 10-meter width. Some state-owned enterprises, obtaining budget from 2015 Revised State Budget of IDR 48 trillion, will also be involved.

Moreover, the left and right of the 434-kilometer Trans-Sumatra Highway will also be prepared for railway and electricity transmission networks. Trans-Sumatra Highway development is expected to be completed in three or four years.

According to the president, the government targeted irrigation for agricultural land of 1 to 1.5 million hectares in this year. Moreover, 60,000 tractors are also needed. “Our agricultural tool is only one-tenth from the amount of agricultural tool in Thailand,” he said.

Public Works and People’s Housing (PUPR) Minister, Basuki Hadimuljono, said at least there are three projects under preparation namely the road access to Merak and Bakauheni, industrial areas in Lampung, and highway. The investment needed for the three projects is IDR 53 trillion. For 2015, the government will build 5 additional berths in Merak Port so it will have 10 berths in total. Currently, it has five berths.

Vessel Capacity

The capacity of vessels operated in Merak-Bakauheni berth will also be enhanced. Currently, a vessel can carry 50-60 cars and it will be able to carry 80-150 cars after capacity enhancement. “The number of car carried a day will increase from 6,000 to 8,000 cars,” Basuki said.

CEO of PT Marga Mandalasakti, Wiwiek Dianawati Santoso, said to support vehicle traffic to Merak Port, Tangerang-Merak Highway operator, PT Marga Mandalasakti, will add another 20-kilometer route from Balaraja Barat to Ciujung. (Kompas)

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