Indonesian Navy Can Rely on Domestic Product

SURABAYA, Kompas – Indonesian Military (TNI) believed Indonesian Navy’s power in the future can be improved by relying on domestic industry. Together with the capability of PT PAL and other strategic domestic industries, various strategic plan to improve primary defense system (alutsista) can enhance Indonesian Navy’s abilities.

It was delivered by TNI Chief, General Moeldoko, to journalists after leading position handover ceremony for Indonesian Navy Chief of Staff from Admiral Dr. Marsetio to Rear Admiral Madya Ade Supandi in Dermaga Ujung, Indonesian Eastern Fleet Command, Surabaya, East Java. The event was attended by some military and civil officers such as Maritime and Fishery (KP) Minister, Susi Pudjiastuti, and East Java Governor, Soekarwo.

Moeldoko said TNI’s military power has also been proven in non-war military operation becoming the world’s military tradition. “So, besides war tasks, TNI also does humanity mission domestically and internationally. So far, TNI has shown its good dedication. The world recognizes us,” he said.

He exemplified recently, when a Hayan tornado hit Philippines, TNI is the first institution deploying its officers to assist there. Even, some Indonesian Air Force’s Hercules aircrafts are operated there for humanity aid for several months. “Other countries really appreciate TNI’s action there,” he said.

Not only that, currently, TNI also obtains aid from other countries’ military institution to search AirAsia’s passengers in Java Sea. The aids come from US, Australia, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, and other countries. It is a tradition for the world’s military power to unite for humanity operations.

It Needs Operation

House’s Commission I Chairman, Mahfudz Siddiq, said in terms of technology capacity and human resources, Indonesia can produce its own alutsista. However, for some high-technology alutsista products, strategic cooperation with the producers from develop countries is still needed.

“Optimism is needed. However, the cooperation with other countries having more advanced technology is required. We still need to cooperate with proper foreign producers,” said Mahfudz, the faction member of Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), on Tuesday (1/6).

For some products such as submarines and Sukhoi jets, domestic defense industrial technology is still left behind from several developed countries. Therefore, Indonesia needs to develop transfer of technology (ToT) cooperation and joint production with foreign producers.

So far, Mahfudz said, Indonesia has not developed systematic ToT cooperation model since similar cooperation contract generally does not last long. (Kompas)

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