Indonesia spends $99m to power port


Teluk Lamong terminal.

The Indonesian government is committed to spend $99 million on a 50MW gas-fired plant to power the new Teluk Lamong Multipurpose Terminal at the port of Tanjung Perak in the city of Surabaya. The EPC contractor PT Rekayasa Industri will realise the project on behalf of the state-owned port operator, PT Pelindo III.

Driven by two 25MW gas turbines, the plant will supply electricity for the Teluk Lamong Multipurpose Terminal, built last year to handle overflow congestion at Tanjung Perak Port, due to begin operations in April 2014. The port operator said it chose to build a gas-fired power plant to have a more “eco-friendly terminal”.

The $336 million terminal will consume large volumes of electricity, an estimated 120MW, by the time it reaches its planned size and berthing capability in 2020, but PT Pelindo III expects it will only need 16MW in the first phase of operations.

As demand of the terminal will exceed power supply of the new plant, the Indonesia’s incumbent power producer PT PLN, will still supply the majority of energy for the terminal.

The port equipment that requires electric power at the terminal includes automated container transporters as well as automated stacking cranes, according to the port operator.


Rising domestic energy demand puts lid on exports

As the world’s eighth largest natural gas exporter, Indonesia exports most of its gas production to Japan as of 2010. Around 50 percent of Indonesia’s thermal-dominated generation mix is using coal-fired plants.

The Indonesian government has moved to address the country’s growing domestic demand and capacity shortage. As the world’s fourth most populous nation

Eastern Indonesia has less access to electricity than Western Indonesia, where only a third of the population has electricity.

“Fast track” plan to curb power shortage

Around 70 percent of Indonesia’s population have access to electricity, according to data released by PLN in 2011. The Indonesian government has set out to supply 90 percent of households with electricity by 2020, in a “fast track” plan announced in 2006.

The plan will add 20GW to the grid by 2014, in the first phase, by installing 10GW of primarily coal-based generation. The new power generation construction was to be completed by 2010, although the completion date has been pushed back to 2013.


Plan to import LNG for power production

An additional 10GW of new-build capacity should be build in a second phase after 2014. Gas-fired power is also on the government’s agenda, with Pertamina and PLN building new ‘mini’ LNG import terminals for supply of natural gas to electricity plants, to become operational in 2015.

Indonesia already has a relatively large geothermal capacity installed but the government will also set out to install natural gas, geothermal, and other renewable generation sources.







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