IMSCB Submit SUMMIT-APEC Security Awards 2013

KAMLA-Monday at 10:00 a.m, Bakorkamla submited the Award to Mr. Mulyadi Ali as the Chief of PT. Duta Sarana Mandiri, Mr. Abner CM Putong as the leader of PT. Citra Sari Makmur, and the last was the leader of PT. Duta Sarana Maxima Mrs. Herlin Wijaya.

The event started with the speech which represented by the Head of the Central Legal Information and Cooperation Maritime First Admiral Eko Susilo Hadi, SH MH.

In his speech he expressed ‘’gratitude and appreciation to IMSCB partners that helped organizing the APEC SUMMIT-security activities, as well as to the employees of the IMSCB who are involved directly or indirectly in the implementation of the security activities of the APEC-SUMMIT 2013.’’ (21/10/13). This event was attended by the entire staff of the IMSCB as well as the structural officials who attended the granting of the recognition for their contributions, which also supported the program of IMSCB.

The granting of awards was given by the Head of the Center Legal Information and Cooperation Maritime First Admiral Eko Hadi Susilo, the award symbolically given in the form of the Charter. Then, it was proceed with the joint photograph; also a complement was delivered by the three recipient of the award of Charter for the appreciation of IMSCB, so that the good cooperation could be maintain.

Finally, the event continued with a suave and closed with a prayer read by Serka M. Yamin






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