IMSCB Participated in 2013 IMEEX


Indonesian Maritime Security Coordinating Board joined the 2013 International Maritime Education and Training Expo (IMEEX) located at the polytechnic Maritime Science in Semarang. The event was started on 18 until 20 November 2013. Thus, it was followed from many government and private institutions such as Indonesian Maritime Security Coordinating Board, Directorate General of Maritime Transportation, KKP, PIP Semarang, Ministry of National Education, Dishidros, Pertamina, Transas, Multi Integra, Telkomsel, also several institution of maritime education. Furthermore, the IMSCB teams were represented by Maritime Colonel Robby Darmin S, SE accompanied by Maritime Major Bambang Widiatmoko, Maritime Major Tuti Ida Halida, Maritime First Lieutenant Ikhlasul Amal, Second Lieutenant Ujang Rusmana, Nara Nazimuddin, and Bagus Susilo Nugroho, ST.

Thus, the exhibition was opened by the Director of Semarang PIP Capt Bambang Purnomo and attended by several guess from the related institutions. The event included several attractions ‘Drum Band and art creation’ performed by the cadets of Semarang PIP. In addition, a seminar was also conducted and the speakers were coming from many interdisciplinary, hence IMSCB was represented by former Colonel Asnan Idris ‘expert on surveillance’ and Maritime Colonel UK. Agung ‘Wadan Satgas 1’,

The visitor’s enthusiasm about Indonesian Maritime Security Coordinating Board was very high looking at the number of the visitors came to the IMSCB’s stand. Thus, they were asking about the main duty, function, infrastructure, and the technology belong to IMSCB. Moreover, some of them were questioning about the Maritime Safety and Security Academy. In addition, IMSCB also provided books, pen, and brochure to the visitors.






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