Hundreds of Vessels Proven to Conduct Mark Down

JAKARTA – Hundreds of fishing vessels are proven to conduct mark down after conducting verification process and re-registration by Maritime and Fishery (KP) Ministry. The fraud will inflict loss to the country and is related to illegal fishing so the miniter’s office will keep verifying those vessels.

KP Minister, Susi Pudjiastuti, explained her office has found hundreds of vessels in Sumatra and Java conducting the illegal practice. By conducting mark down, the fishing vessels do not submit report to central government and they use subsidized fuel prohibited for the vessels in certain size.

“In Belawan (North Sumatra), there are 300 vessels conducting mark down. In Central Java, there are hundreds of vessels. They conduct mark down to below 30-GT capacity. We also ask for media’s help to investigate this matter since it can be the attempt to abuse subsidized fuel,” Susi said in Jakarta on Friday night (1/9).

Moreover, Susi explained her office will resume the implementation of fishing vessel moratorium until unspecified time. Susi asserted her office will keep coordinating to eradicate illegal, unreported, unregulated (IUU) fishing in Indonesian waters with related parties.

One of the coordination is related to the area in every zone as the authorized areas of authorized agencies since the efforts KP Ministry conducts so far have intervened the authorities of other institutions.

“Therefore, we will solve the existing un-synchronization. One thing for sure, we will keep detaining the vessels and revamp our coordination with the related parties,” Susi said.

Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla) Head, Rear Admiral Desi Albert Mamahit, said his office will resume its coordination based on the prevailing laws. However, he admitted he supports Susi’s efforts to keep seriously dealing with illegal fishing.

“Moreover, we will release an SOP for joint operation,” Rear Admiral Mamahit said.

Maritime Coordinating Minister, Indroyono Soesilo, said Bakamla’s institutional enhancement becomes one of the efforts to eradicate IUU Fishing. One of the methods, he said, is conducted by adding assets to support Bakamla’s operation which has been initiated through patrol vessel handover by Indonesian Navy.

Susi expected IUU Fishing eradication in Indonesian waters can bring direct impact felt by people, for example marine fish price drop and the ease to obtain it in traditional markets. Moreover, he wants fishery industry to awaken and improve its export performance. (Investor Daily)

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