High Wave May Last Until June

PANGKALAN BUN, Kompas – High wave, strong wind, and heavy rain which occurs in West Kotawaringin waters, Central Kalimantan, included in Java Sea area is predicted to last until June even though not every day. Rainy season peak is predicted to occur in April 2015.

Pangkalan Bun Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Office Head, Lukman Soleh, in Pangkalan Bun, West Kotawaringin, on Monday (1/12) said rainy season started in the end of October 2014. Dry season is predicted to start in June.

According to Pangkalan Bun BMKG data, wave height in West Kotawaringin waters can reach 3.5 meters and wind blow reaches 35 knots. Cumulonimbus cloud causing rain and thunder also often occur.

The weather in West Kotawaringin easily changes since it is included in cloud migration route. In South China Sea, high air pressure blows. The clouds head to low-pressure air with West Kotawaringin waters as the waters mostly passed by. After that, clouds are accumulated there.

Similar point was delivered by Tegal Meteorology Station in Tegal City, Central Java, Hendi Andriyanto. Thick clouds, he said, spark strong wind. Meanwhile, wind speed correlates with wave. The harder the wind blows, the bigger the wave will be. “In coastal areas, wave height can reach two meters,” Hendy said.

The weather in Jayapura’s northern waters, Raja Ampat, and Biak can be worse. According to the weather forecast data from Jayapura Region V BMKG Service Division, bad weather can strike the waters this Tuesday with 4-meter high wave.

Yesterday, sea wave height reached 3 meters. The condition hampered the search of five motorboat passengers missing in the waters of Supiori Regency, Papua, on Wednesday last week. Two Jayapura fishermen missing since last week still cannot be found.

Fishermen Do Not Sail

High wave and strong wind also occur in southern sea of Central java and Yogyakarta. This condition is predicted to reach the peak in January-February.

Therefore, Cilacap BMKG Meteorology Station Engineer Group Head, Teguh Wardoyo, reminded people voyage and tourism in Java’s southern sea to be cautious of the condition. “Even though there is no rain since early year, weather condition in south sea is dangerous especially for traditional fishermen’s activities,” he said in Cilacap, Central Java.

Cilacap Indonesian Fisherman Association (HNSI)’s Organization Division Chairman, Indon Tjahjono, said currently, almost 80 percent of 33,000 fishermen in Cilacap cannot sail due to high waves.

High wave also makes most of small fishermen (with below 7-GT vessels) in Tegal City and Tegal Regency, Central Java cannot sail. Taripin (50), a small fisherman in Tegal City, said from around 50 vessels at the region, yesterday, only three vessels went sailing including his vessel.

Meanwhile, yesterday, fishermen in Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara, and its surrounding began to sail following calm sea wave. Wave height until seven days ahead is around 2-2.5 meters and wind speed is 15-45 knots per hour. However, most of traditional fishermen prefer to sail for not more than 10 miles from the coast. (Kompas)

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