Gapasdap Protests Vessel Size Regulation

JAKARTA – River, Lake, and Ferriage Employer Association (Gapasdap) said the policy of Transportation Ministry allowing only 5,000-GT vessels to cross Merak-Bakauheni may disrupt national employers’ investment.

Gapasdap Deputy Chairman, Bambang Harjo S., said Merak-Bakauheni route still needs small vessels since there is change over transportation mode usage demand. The needs for smaller vessels usually occur during low season.

If ferriage demand enters low season, he explained, the operation of 5,000-GT vessels is surely not efficient since big vessels need more fuel.

He said Transportation Ministry’s policy goes against with the government’s macro policy plan to lower fuel need.

“This policy goes against with the president’s policy to lower fuel,” he said on Tuesday (1/13).

On the other hand, berth infrastructure availability in Merak also does not support for the operation of 5,000-GT vessels. From the existing five berths, he added, only berth V is ready to serve big vessels while the other berths are old and can only serve 2,000 to 4,000-GT vessels.

“If the berths are forced to serve 5,000-GT vessels with such berth condition, it will damage the berths.”

Prior to that, Transportation Ministry required all vessels operated in Merak-Bakauheni ferriage route must have at least 5,000-GT capacity. The regulation is stated o Transportation Minister Regulation (Permenhub) No. 88/2014 about the size regulation of vessels used for ferriage service in Maerak-Bakauheni route. It was signed by Transportation Minister, Ignasius Jonan, on December 24th 2015.

The regulation mulls optimization of berth’s installed capacity in ferriage route. On the regulation, especially Article 2, ferriage vessels on the route must have at least 5,000-GT capacity. Employers are still permitted to use small vessels until 2018.

Bambang, who is also House’s Commission VI member, said the regulation will also disrupt the investment disbursed by employers. Until now, many employers have made investment in Merak-Bakauheni ferriage route even not all of the capital has been returned.

“Firms have made investment based on the previous vessel size but we are not sure whether their investment has been returned.” (Bisnis Indonesia)

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