Focusing Maritime Programs

JAKARTA, Kompas – The government stated it will focus on four working programs in maritime sector. The focus is to strengthen maritime sovereignty, to utilize resources, to construct infrastructures, and to develop innovation and maritime technology.

Maritime Coordinating Minister, Indroyono Soesilo, delivered it in Jakarta on Sunday (12/28). “The government will concentrate on four working programs so the programs will have more focus and direction,” Indroyono said.

The first focus is to strengthen Indonesian maritime sovereignty by solving maritime territorial borders by optimizing oceanographic research and data. Currently, Indonesia has 10 research vessels such as the research vessels of Technology Assessment and Application Agency (BPPT), Indonesian Science Institute (LIPI), Maritime and Fishery Ministry (KKP), and Indonesian navy.

Then, maritime sovereignty is enforced by improving maritime welfare in border areas and Indonesia’s outermost islands. In 2015, the government planned to provide electricity in 47 locations in border areas and outermost islands.

In terms of maritime security and safety, the government will immediately form Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla) integrating control command system for communication and information, vessel monitoring system, radar owned by maritime Transportation, Indonesian Navy, and Indonesian Police (Polri). With an integrated system, maritime security and safety will be more optimal.

The second focus is to utilize maritime resources and services covering biological and non-biological resources and tourism. Biological resource utilization is expected to boost captured fishery controlling and cultured fishery development.

To boost maritime tourism, the government planned to build seven maritime locations to berth vessels such as in Kupang, Ambon, Labuan Bajo, and Tanjung Pinang. Tourism development, including maritime tourism is targeted to increase foreign tourist visit from 10 million in 2015 to 20 million in 2019.

“Maritime development needs the participation of local government and private sector since its costs are not too big around IDR 5-10 billion per maritime location,” he said.

Separately, KKP Minister, Susi Pudjiastuti, stated she will keep boosting the eradication of illegal fishing as one of the governmental working focus in the next year.


Indroyono added the third focus is to improve maritime infrastructure construction covering ports, vessels, and shipyards. 24 ports will be developed in January 2015.

The government has allocated additional budget in 2015 of IDR 15.9 trillion to improve transportation infrastructure, including pioneer shipping and flight.

The government also boosts vessel procurement referring to cabotage law namely Indonesia-owned vessels, Indonesia-made vessels, and with Indonesian vessel crews. The government will revive 88 shipyards in Indonesia through fiscal and non-fiscal incentives.

“Maritime industry requires three things namely the readiness of ports, vessels, and shipyards. We will boost it,” Indroyono said.

The government gradually boosts electricity procurement of 35,000 megawatt with the total amount of IDR 400 trillion through the partnership of Indonesian firm with foreign firm.

The fourth focus is to make Indonesia a maritime country through science and technology innovation. The method can boost maritime culture development. (Kompas)

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