Five Small Islands Obtain Facilities

JAKARTA, Kompas – The government is boosting investment in Indonesia’s small islands. In 2015, Maritime and Fishery (KP) Ministry will facilitate small island investment for IDR 1.947 trillion. From the investment, the government targeted non-tax state revenue of IDR 9.494 trillion per year.

KP Ministry’s Maritime, Coastal Area, and Small Island Director General, Sudirman Saad, in Jakarta on Wednesday (1/7), said there are five islands obtaining facility investment. The five islands are located in Anambas Islands Regency (Riau Islands), Raja Ampat (West Papua),  Komodo Island (East Nusa Tenggara (NTT)), Thousands Island (Jakarta), and Batubara Island (North Sumatra).

Small island investment is directed for tourism and fishery. Currently, several domestic firms have registered to make investment.

KP Ministry’s Small Island Empowerment Director, Ridho Batubara, said small island investment is expected to boost maritime sovereignty of small outermost island, electricity, transportation, and berth. Until the end of 2014, 25 small outermost islands have been facilitated with electricity.

“Small islands can be categorized as independent islands if their needs of electricity, clean water, and productive economy are fulfilled,” he said.

In 2014, the government has facilitated investment in five small islands namely Gili Nanggu Island in West Lombok Regency for tourism resort of USD 5.5 million and Paserang Island in West Sumbawa Regency for tourism resort of IDR 125 billion, Nipah Island in Batam City for vessel gas station of IDR 5.09 trillion, Bawal Island for palm plantation of IDR 147 billion, and Gili Island in East Lombok Regency of USD 40 million dollar.

KP Ministry’s Maritime, Coastal Area, and Small Island Spatial Director, Subandono Diposaptono, said an island can be directed for several usages based on its potential. (Kompas)

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