Fishing Activity Will Be Curbed

JAKARTA, Kompas – The government will focus on sustainable fishery management policy. One of the issues studied is fishing prohibition at the waters having 4-mile (7.4-kilometer) distance from coast in several seas which are the part of conservation areas. Maritime and Fishery (KP) Minister, Susi Pudjiastuti, delivered the statement in the opening of Abdurrahman Wahid’s five years of death themed “Digging Maritime Concept and Policy of Former President Abdurrahman Wahid”, in Jakarta on Wednesday night (1/7). “We are still studying it. The study is expected to be completed immediately,” he said.

In 2015, the government targeted to add the area of new conservation area for at least 500,000 hectares. In 2014, aquatic conservation area expansion reached 875,493 hectares initiated by 13 regencies/cities and 1 province.

Until 2014, the total aquatic conservation area is 15.5 million hectares. KP Ministry targeted aquatic conservation area in 2020 will reach 20 million hectares.

Fishery Faculty Professor of Kendari Haluoleo University, La Ode Kamaluddin, said building maritime is different with building fishery sector. Maritime economy needs fisherman improvement, mineral management, research, maritime tourism, shipyard industry, and port built in small island-based maritime economic framework.

He exemplified Indonesia’s exclusive economic zone (ZEE) management needs fisherman improvement. If Indonesian fishing vessels are not properly prepared, the vessels from other countries may enter Indonesia as long as they obtain permits from the government.

“If we forbid foreign vessels to enter but we cannot manage our own vessels, it will be in vain. Other people can enter but they must cooperate with domestic firms,” he said.

KP Former Minister, Rokhmin Dauri, who is also Maritime Science and Fishery Faculty Professor of Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), said fishery management must be controlled especially to maintain fish resource preservation. The allowed amount of catch is 80 percent from preservative potential (MSY). In addition, fishery preservation potential is 6.4 million tons per year.

Separately, Indonesian Fish Canning Association (Apiki) Daily Chairman, Ady Surya, on Thursday (1/8), said fishing activity prohibition at the sea under 7.4-kilometer distance of coast must be socialized to local people since fishing permit for 7.4-kilometer distance of coast is the authority of local government.

The government was expected to complete the creation of national maritime spatial as well as local regulation over small islands and coastal areas zoning plan. The regulation is needed to ensure the usage of water area management. (Kompas)

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