Fishermen Will Reside Rusunawa

JAKARTA – Public Works and People’s Housing (PU-Pera) Ministry will develop fisherman villages in 19 locations next year.

PU-Pera Ministry’s Formal Housing Deputy, Khalawi Abdul Hamid, said his office has made coordination with Maritime and Fishery Ministry (KKP) to discuss house procurement for fishermen.

For the initial phase, KKP recorded there are 19 locations whose lands are ready for development. Therefore, he said, PU-Pera Ministry can immediately initiate development there.

“The location used is the land owned by KKP. We actually want to do it quickly but housing is always hampered by land availability. We are ready to develop it once the land is ready,” he told Bisnis on Wednesday (12/24).

He continued several areas deemed ready are Jakarta, Lamongan, Cirebon, Medan, and Kendari. All locations are at coastal areas and a twin tower for low-cost apartments (Rusunawa) can be developed there. (Bisnis Indonesia)

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