Fish Transshipment Prohibition Also Takes Effect for Small Fishermen

JAKARTA – Fish-capturing fishermen worried since Maritime and Fishery (KP) Ministry asserted fish transshipment prohibition takes effect for all vessel types. Therefore, the regulation not only takes effect for foreign export vessels but also for small fishermen conducting transshipment to shipping vessels heading to fish processing unit (UPI).

Gellwyn Yusuf, KP Ministry’s Captured Fishery Director General, said this effort is conducted to re-arrange the operated fishing vessels. “This is a complex issue and we have to see its living natural resources,” Gellwyn said on Friday (12/5). As a note, from 11 Indonesian fishery management areas (WPPRI), Indonesia’s fishery potential reaches 6.51 million tons per year. From the number, only around 4.5-5 million tons or 80% from the potential can be captured.

KP Ministry’s Fishing Vessel and Equipment (KAPI) Director, balok Budiyanto, added transshipment also takes effect for the vessel in one management or one fishing vessel, including purse seine group. Balok explained transshipment is conducted from fishing vessels. Moreover, transshipment from long-line fishing vessels to shipping vessels is also not allowed.

It is conducted so fish auction unit (UPI), which lacks of fuel, obtains supply. “Transshipment prohibition is right especially to prevent IUU (Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated) fishing. It is landed not suitable with bases or not landed but directly exported,” Balok said.

However, Indonesia Tuna Association (Astuin) Chairman, Eddy Yuwono, is objected if transshipment prohibition is also implemented for fishing vessels heading to UPI not directly exported.

With transshipment prohibition regulation, production cost of fish-capturing firms increase. “We, national employers, are affected by the impact,” Eddy said. He claimed Astuin members have 900 vessels, but all captured fishes are landed in Indonesia and none of the fishes are directly exported. However, to save more costs, fishing vessels do not directly land it.

Eddy said, if transshipment is no longer allowed, fish capturing cannot reach far waters. Vessels only move in close waters since they calculate high fuel cost. (Kontan)

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