Eyeing 1.21 Million-Ton Production Hike in 2015

JAKARTA – Maritime and Fishery (KP) Ministry targeted fishery production significant hike up to 20% or 1.21 million tons in 2015 along with great effort in eradicating illegal fishing vessels operated in Indonesian waters.

KP Ministry’s Captured Fishery Director General, Gellwyn Jusuf, said the target is realistic since fishermen’s productivity will significantly increase along with the impact of illegal fishing vessel arrestment and sinking by the ministry.

“We are optimistic the production hike can reach 20%. The budget for surveillance has been added in Revised State Budget so fishermen’s productivity can increase,” he said as contacted in Economy Coordinating Ministry on Tuesday (1/13).

Last year, Captured Fishery Directorate General targeted Indonesian captured fishery production comprising tuna and mackerel of 6.05 million tons.

Meanwhile, until November 2014, national captured fish production has reached 6.08 million tons.

He added arrestment and sinking are not only conducted to eradicate illegal vessels like Indonesia-flagged foreign vessels violating law, but also to warn legal vessels having permits which intend to violate regulations.

Therefore, Gellwyn said, if all vessels operated in Indonesia have followed legal law, Indonesia’s captured fishery production will significantly grow.

However, he admitted the surrender effect from illegal vessel sinking and arrestment cannot be directly felt.

According to him, it needs 2-3 years from the implementation of the policy to the achievement of Indonesian optimal production.

“The execution is this year but the production may not directly increase this year either. We also keep watching the preservation,” he added.

Therefore, KP Ministry is trying to add the budget in 2015 Revised Budget which was submmitted last weekend by Finance Ministry to Representative House. In 2015 Master State Budget, KP Ministry itself obtains IDR 6.72 trillion.

However, Gellwyn refused to state precisely how much budget addition asked by the ministry. He only said budget addition is focused for patrol.

“Revised State Budget addition will be focused on patrol. From 60 dailing days, we will enhance it into 280 sailing days. (Bisnis Indonesia)

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