Evacuation to Bakauheni and Merak for KM Bahuga Jaya’s Victim


Jakarta General Manager of ASDP Bakauheni Branch, Yanus Letanga, stated that there are 7 dead victims from sunken KM Bahuga Jaya. The dead and safe victims were brought to Bakauheni Port and Merak Port.

“Those victims were brought to two places since the ship from Bakauheni was about to crossed to Merak and vice versa,” said Yanus when being called by detikcom, Wednesday (9/26/2012) at 09.25 AM.

PT ASDP released data of pedestrians (12), motorcycle (10), private vehicle (22), pick up (11), colt diesel (17). “Currently, 7 people died,” he added.

Meanwhile, Head of Public Communication for Transportation Ministry, Bambang S Ervan, declared that there are 128 passengers of KM Bahuga Jaya which sunk on Sunda Strait and successfully evacuated.

“There were 20 people in KM Bontang, 70 people  in KM Munic, and 38 people in KM Gelis Rawu,” stated Bambang.

KM Bahuga Jaya was sunk after hit cargo ship near Rimau Balak Island, 4 miles from Bakauheni Port, around 04.48 AM.







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