Complaining to Kadin that KKP Ministry’s Regulations Burden Fishery Employers

The moratorium for vessels having more than 30-GT capacity and transshipment prohibition at sea issued by Maritime and Fishery Ministry (KKP) burden fishery employers. Both regulations are claimed to complicate them to obtain fishery permit from local government.

Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin)’s Standing Committee Chairman, Thomas Darmawan, said there are complaints from employers related to moratorium and transshipment implemented by the government. Therefore, many local governments cannot issue several permits related to vessel operation like Vessel Operational Permit (SLO) and Fishery Shipping Vessel Permit for Foreign Fishermen (SIKPI-NA).

KKP has implemented various policies such as vessel moratorium and transshipment prohibition to secure Indonesian maritime resources. However recently, complaints are submitted since the policies having good purposes complicate local governments to issue permits. They are afraid of getting criminal sanction,” he said.

Thomas, who is also Indonesian Fishery Product Processing and Marketing Association Chairman, said both permits namely SLO and SIKPI-NA are necessary to ship cultured grouper located in Natuna, Batam, and Bali.

Both permits are issued by harbormaster when fishing vessels want to sail. Whereas, Thomas continued, groupers will be exported using foreign fishing vessels entering Indonesian waters.

“We have no vessels to ship groupers to Hong Kong. Usually, Hong Kong-flagged vessels take the fish in Natuna, Batam, and Bali. Due to the policies, the prevailing permits are suspended so the vessels cannot enter,” he explained.

Therefore, Thomas and other fishery employers submitted objection to the government through Kadin. “My association is also objected since groupers cannot be shipped. We have made an objection letter to the government through Kadin. I hope within this month, the solutions are made since currently, it is being discussed by Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) and KKP,” he said.

BKPM Promotion Deputy, Himawan Haryoga, said his office is coordinating with KPP related to both permits.

He said it needs employer and association’s roles to submit the data over the issues at field, especially the issues related to permit. (Rakyat Merdeka)

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