Cilamaya Constructed, Five New Industrial Areas Established

JAKARTA – Industrial Area Association (HKI) Chairman, Sanny Iskandar, said Cilammaya Port development in northern Karawang, West Java, will improve Indonesia’s investment. The port presence will boost the establishment of five new industrial areas.

“From the latest information, Cilamaya construction is in permit process in Transportation Ministry,” Sanny said after the meeting between HKI and Industry Minister, Saleh Husin, in Jakarta on Wednesday (12/3).

Sanny said Cilamaya Port existence is important for infrastructure in Indonesia. this port is projected to accommodate commodity traffic from industry in Karawang, Purwakarta, and some parts of Bekasi. New Priok Port which is under construction accommodates industry in Jakarta and some parts of Bekasi. “The industry around Karawang will be complicated if they must be served in Priok,” Sanny said.

Sanny said the industries which will grow around Cilamaya Port will be the industries of components, electronic, automotive, and downstream textile.

Menwhile, Industry Ministry Secretary General, Anshari Bukhari, said some firms in industrial areas proposed status as national vital object. Prior to that, 49 industrial firms and 14 industrial areas are included in the status of the country’s vital object.

Those firms are assigned as industry sector national vital object (OVNI) through Industry Minister Decree Letter (SK Menperin) No. 466/2014. It refers to Presidential Decree No. 63/2004 about National Vital Object mandating ministers or institution heads, according to their fields, can implement their managed sectors as National Vital Sector through decree letter.

“There are some firms proposing status as vital object. For the procedure, they propose to obtain the certificate of vital object status then we, together with Indonesian Police, will examine whether everything is suitable criteria,” he said. (Investor Daily)

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