Chief Executive of IMSCB Attends the Sow Flower Ceremony of Dharma Samudera


The Chief Executive of Indonesian Maritime Security Coordinating Board ¨Vice Admiral Bambang Suwarto¨ attended the Ceremony of sow flower in order to commemorate the Dharma Samudera Day 2014 on Wednesday 15 January 2014. Thus, the event was held on Indonesian War Ship ¨KRI Banda Aceh¨. As the inspector ceremony was the Minister of Defense, Mr. Purnomo Yusgiantoro.

The event was started at 07.00 am which followed by the representatives from Indonesian Army, Customs, KPLP, Police, Scouts and students including the representatives from IMSCB which led by Maritime Major Wiyoto.

The Dharma Samudera Ceremony was conducted once a year in order to recall the merits of the heroes who died heroically in Aru Sea Combat several years ago. On that moment, the war between Indonesian army and Dutch Empires was occurred. Obviously, three battle ships (KRI Macan Tutul, KRI Macan Kumbang and KRI Harimau) of Indonesian army against the Dutch. Unfortunately, ¨KRI Macan Tutul¨ and Commodore Yos Sudarso were defeated.










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