Central-Local Government Declare Fisherman Welfare Improvement

KOTABARU – Central and local government collaborate to declare fisherman welfare improvement in Indonesia. The effort goes along with the instruction of President Joko Widodo to restore Indonesia’s identity as a maritime country and recognized by world as the largest archipelago country, one of which is by prospering all Indonesian fishermen.

Research Technology and High Education Minister, Muhammad Natsir, said his office conducted declaration to develop 1,000 fisherman innovation villages in the following 1,000 days. “We intend to support the development of fisherman society using technology touch to give additional value for fisherman welfare,” said Nasir when reading the declaration to commemorate 2014 National Archipelago Day in Kotabaru, South Kalimantan, on Monday (12/15).

He explained the program is the result of cooperation with universities in Indonesia, related ministries, and governmental institutions, local research and development agencies, supporting institutions as industrial business and society. This program, in its implementation, will be synergized with the program to improve fishermen’s lives, local innovation system, and other supporting programs. “This development is conducted by utilizing resources and technology suitable with the need,” he said.

Nasir explained for the sake of the program, road map model for the development of fisherman innovation village will be developed comprehensively, integrally, and sustainably to be the reference for all related parties. “The regulations will be made immediately in central or local law,” he said.

Maritime and Fishery (KP) Minister, Susi Pudjiastuti, who also serves as Indonesian Maritime Council Daily Chairperson, stated her determination to eradicate illegal, unregulated, unreported (IUU) fishing, to improve fisherman and coastal people’s welfare, and to realize the everlasting and sustainable maritime management to prosper people. “Indonesian Maritime Council member agreed to realize Indonesian maritime and fishery development sustainably to realize Indonesia as a sovereign maritime country in international level,” she said.

Susi said her office will also conduct controlling, prevention, and settlement over IUU Fishing practice by implementing Law No. 31/2004 about Fishery as amended with Law No. 45/2009 about the moratorium of fishery shipping business permit for foreign export vessels and transshipment prohibition. Not only that, KP Ministry also revokes permits and levies for Indonesian fishing vessels under 10 GT to maintain and to boost fishing business. “We also curb all fishing methods and fishing tools which harm environment, maintain mangrove forest and implement fishing quota for the sustainable maritime development,” Susi said.

Central Sulawesi Governor, Sinyo Harry Sarundajang, representing all Indonesian governor also stated his determination to support maritime and fishery development policy to realize the everlasting and sustainable maritime management to prosper people. “We will protect coastal areas, seas, and small islands from illegal fishing, domination, and intervention by foreign parties for the sovereignty of Indonesia,” he said.

Sinyo explained he and other governors will conduct controlling, prevention, and settlement toward business activities in coastal areas, seas, and small islands which harm the environment and maritime resources to maintain the preservation of environment and maritime resources so it can be managed and utilized sustainably. Moreover, governors will conduct concrete efforts to protect fishermen based on Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No. 15/2011 about fisherman protection. “We support the policy to not impose any levies to fishing vessels under 10-GT capacity to stimulate small fisherman business so it can grow and keeps developing. The regulations will be immediately regulated in local regulation,” Sinyo said. (Investor Daily)

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