• DECEMBER 31, 2014
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    Awakening Spirit Only Considered from Economic Point of View

    Jakarta, Kompas – President Joko Widodo’s efforts to revive Indonesia’s power as a maritime axis is appreciated by many elements. However, until the end of 2014, the spirit tends to be considered only from economic, not from cultural point of view. Historian, JJ Rizal, said maritime values must be understood deeper, not only in economic

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    • DECEMBER 31, 2014
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    Government Focuses on Developing Maritime Power

    The government focuses national defense in maritime sector. This decision is taken since most of Indonesia’s area is covered by water. “We need facilities to secure waters and maritime transportation from western to eastern region,” said Defense Minister, Ryamizard Ryacudu after closed cabinet meeting about defense on Tuesday (12/30) in Jakarta. Maritime defense development is

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    • DECEMBER 29, 2014
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    Indonesian Navy Hunts Poachers in Malacca Strait

    BATAM, Kompas – Indonesian Navy hunted poachers in Malacca Strait. Six people were detained in the hunting around Riau Islands. Indonesian Western Fleet Command Chief, Rear Admiral Widodo, on Saturday night (12/27) in Batam, Riau Islands, said six people were detained in Terung Island, Batam. They have been detained separately since Thursday (12/25). “Quick-response team

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    • DECEMBER 29, 2014
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    Sinking Vessels, TNI Does Not Doubt – Kompas

    BATAM, Kompas – Indonesian Military (TNI) does not doubt to sink foreign illegal fishing vessels in Indonesian waters. It is proven with the sinking of two Thailand fishing vessels in Anambas, Riau Islands on Sunday (12/28). Indonesian Western Fleet Command Chief, Rear Admiral Widodo, said both vessels were detained when illegally fishing in Natuna Sea,

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    • DECEMBER 29, 2014
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    Focusing Maritime Programs

    JAKARTA, Kompas – The government stated it will focus on four working programs in maritime sector. The focus is to strengthen maritime sovereignty, to utilize resources, to construct infrastructures, and to develop innovation and maritime technology. Maritime Coordinating Minister, Indroyono Soesilo, delivered it in Jakarta on Sunday (12/28). “The government will concentrate on four working

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    • DECEMBER 12, 2014
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    Kapal Pesiar Asing Diberi Kemudahan

    JAKARTA, KOMPAS — Pemerintah bersiap merevisi izin sandar bagi kapal pesiar milik asing yang saat ini masih berbelit-belit dan membutuhkan waktu lama. Seiring dengan percepatan proses perizinan, kunjungan wisatawan melalui laut diyakini dapat meningkat. Nantinya, kemudahan izin masuk kapal pesiar, termasuk kapal layar, yacht, dan superyacht, dari negara lain akan diatur dalam peraturan presiden. ”Selama ini untuk mengurus

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    • DECEMBER 12, 2014
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    Perkara Perikanan Minim

    AMBON, KOMPAS — Lembaga penegak hukum harus serius menangani kasus pencurian ikan. Potensi pencurian ikan sangat tinggi. Namun, jumlah perkara di pengadilan perikanan minim. Bahkan, dalam satu tahun, ada pengadilan perikanan yang tidak menerima perkara pidana perikanan. Hal itu terungkap dalam peresmian tiga pengadilan perikanan yang masing-masing berada di bawah Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Ambon, PN

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