• JANUARY 9, 2015
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    Local Fishermen in Maluku Needs Empowerment

    AMBON, Kompas – Maritime and fishery sector’s potential in Maluku Provinnce having sea area around 658,312.75 square kilometers or 92.4 percent of the province’s area has not been well utilized yet. The main factor is local fishermen who have not been optimally empowered. “If the government wants to rely on maritime potential at the area

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    • JANUARY 9, 2015
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    Fishing Activity Will Be Curbed

    JAKARTA, Kompas – The government will focus on sustainable fishery management policy. One of the issues studied is fishing prohibition at the waters having 4-mile (7.4-kilometer) distance from coast in several seas which are the part of conservation areas. Maritime and Fishery (KP) Minister, Susi Pudjiastuti, delivered the statement in the opening of Abdurrahman Wahid’s

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    • JANUARY 8, 2015
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    Fish Price in Ambon Increases

    AMBON, Kompas – Captured fishery business permit moratorium and the prohibition to employ foreign skipper and vessel crews drop fish production in Ambon Nusantara Fishery Port. Its production volume in November 2014 was 6,478 tons but in December, it was only 2,206 tons. “Since the implementation of the regulation in November 2014, the number of

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    • JANUARY 8, 2015
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    Sape-Labuan Bajo Route Is Opened and Closed

    MATARAM, Kompas – The voyage route from Sape Port in Bima, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) to Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) uses open-and-close system following extreme weather which endangers vessel voyage safety in the route. The ferriage from Sape to Waikelo in Southwest Sumba is closed for five days. NTB Transportation Department Head, Agung

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    • JANUARY 8, 2015
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    Five Small Islands Obtain Facilities

    JAKARTA, Kompas – The government is boosting investment in Indonesia’s small islands. In 2015, Maritime and Fishery (KP) Ministry will facilitate small island investment for IDR 1.947 trillion. From the investment, the government targeted non-tax state revenue of IDR 9.494 trillion per year. KP Ministry’s Maritime, Coastal Area, and Small Island Director General, Sudirman Saad,

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    • JANUARY 8, 2015
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    Industrial Salt Self-Sufficiency Is Hampered

    JAKARTA, Kompas – The plan of Maritime and Fishery (KP) Ministry to achieve salt self-sufficiency in 2015 is still hampered by some issues such as salt farm extensification, weather, and trade system burdening salt farmers. According to the data from KP Ministry, national salt need reaches 4.01 million tons per year. The number comprises 2.05

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    • JANUARY 7, 2015
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    Wave Height in NTT Waters Reaches 7 Meters

    SITUBONDO, Kompas – High wave and bad weather disrupt voyage in Java Sea. The vessels from Situbondo, East Java, which will head to Banjar, South Kalimantan take shelter in nearby islands like Masalembu Island and Bawean Island. Coal barges usually supplying coal to power plant in Paiton, Probolinggo Regency, for example, gets stucked in Masalembu

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