Boosting Cultured Fishery Production, IDR 1 Trillion Budget Prepared

JAKARTA – Maritime and Fishery Ministry (KKP) allocated IDR 1 trillion budget to increase cultured fishery production along 2015. This year, the government targeted cultured fishery production of 16.9 million tons or a 26.11-percent hike than last year’s target of 13.4 million tons.

From this production target, KKP makes shrimp as the featuring commodity targeted to reach 750,000 tons and the rest is from sea weed of 12 million tons and patin fish of 800,000 tons. KKP predicted this production increase will be followed by this year’s national fish food need hike of 9.27 million tons. From the amount, around 49% is food need for clear-water fishes such as goldfish, nila fish, gurame fish, patin fish, and catfish.

KKP Cultured Fishery Director General, Slamet Soebijakto, said IDR 1 trillion budget is not fully used to improve cultured fish production since some of the budget is also used to pay employee salary. “However, we will prepare culture instruments, business analysis, and infrastructure development,” he told KONTAN on Tuesday (1/6).

Slamet said there are some efforts prepared to reach the target. First is to facilitate business system and culture financing with banking sector in running their business. KKP will ask banks to give quick financing access to independent and credible fish cultivators.

Currently, there are some banks having cooperation with KKP such as Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN), Bank Mandiri, Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) and other banks.

Second, KKP boosts production hike for excellent fish parents. Third, KKP has excellent programs in achieving this target such as production program for independent and competitive business sustainability by multiplying standardization and certification process of cultured fishery to produce good raw materials.

Fourth KKP will improve independence in providing fish food, especially clear-water fish food. KKP has specific programs named Independent Fish Movement. The government provides integrated service post to anticipate fish diseases. With this program, KKP is optimistic to achieve the target.

Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Deputy Chairman for Maritime and Fishery, Yugi Prayanto, also persuades the government to improve cultured fishery export performance in form of processed product to improve the product’s additional value. (Kontan)

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