Bitung Shipyard To Receive Upgrade

JAKARTA – PT Indonesia Shipbuilding Industry (IKI) this year is focusing on the completion of Bitung shipyard repair in North Sulawesi, with an investment of IDR50 billion. The fund will be obtained from the State Capital Investment (PMN) worth IDR200 billion.

The amount of the investment fund this year is the remainder of a total PMN budget of IDR200 billion. In previous years , PT IKI has completed shipyard repair in Makassar with a total cost of IDR175 billion .

“We received PMN injection of funds amounting to IDR200 billion in 2013. Well, last year the funds were only absorbed at 75 %. Now the remaining 25 % is for this year’s repair investment, ” said Soerjono, Commissioner of PT IKI, at the Ministry of Industry, Wednesday (03/19).

Soerjono said, they will also construct additional facilities to reclaim old customers. According to him, IKI has been on the red the past 12 years IKI as a result of the financial crisis.

For the shipyard repair, he brought a consultant from Japan. “Within 1 month, we target 3 units of 3,500 dead weight tonnage (DWT) ships being repaired. ” he explained .

He added that the maintenance value of 9 units ships amounting to IDR27 billion. The maintenance fund is in accordance with the advice of the Japanese consultants. He said next year IKI targeting to construct new shipyards of 10,000 DWT capacity.

“In the new shipyard, hangar facility is planned be constructed so as the ships not to be exposed to the elements. As in PT PAL shipyard.” he said .

Soerjono explained IKI targets to dominate eastern Indonesia next year with the construction of new facilities. Currently, it has ample land in the region to be converted in to shipyard.

He said there have been a lot of companies showing interest to do ship maintenance with IKI. We want to capture the opportunity. However, he claimed to have problems because many ships repaired have not been collected by the shipping companies.

“It’s one of the constraints, if the ships repaired have not been collected by the owners, occupying spaces, the other boats would not be able to enter. We are trying to suppress fixed costs.” he conclude.

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