Awakening Spirit Only Considered from Economic Point of View

Jakarta, Kompas – President Joko Widodo’s efforts to revive Indonesia’s power as a maritime axis is appreciated by many elements. However, until the end of 2014, the spirit tends to be considered only from economic, not from cultural point of view.

Historian, JJ Rizal, said maritime values must be understood deeper, not only in economic sector. Maritime aspect as cultural world and networks, creating a mutual language called Malay language before colonial era, is forgotten.

“Do not see maritime sector only from economic aspect since it has many values we can dig. Great Indonesian maritime world has been forgotten for a long time since the arrival of colonialism,” he said in Jakarta on Tuesday (12/30).

According to Rizal, the cultural issues needed to be solved is maritime value crisis such as how Indonesia can live as a maritime kingdom and how seas can be a “cultural bazaar”, not just an  economic unit. The cultural bazaar creates mutual culture which establishes a nation.

“Until now, maritime culture has not been dug well. The government only announces the amount of fish illegally fished or the number of vessels successfully sunk,” he said.

Separately, Historian Hilmar Farid said Indonesia’s maritime glory is only a discourse and has not been really implemented in education policy. “Maritime discourse around politics elites must be expanded as public awareness. Education plays an important role to re-introduce Indonesia as a maritime country,” he said.

This spirit must be promoted continuously since for hundreds year, Indonesia’s maritime power has been reduced by colonialism, even it is converted to land orientation. The government’s spirit to re-arrange maritime sector is an appropriate moment to boost the awakening of this country.

Hilmar with Indonesian Science Institute (LIPI) and several universities will conduct “Indonesia’s Maritime” research in January-June 2015. The research will map the government’s policy frameworks on maritime sector in five regions namely Aceh, Lampung, Kendari, Kupang, and Sorong.

“This research will give contribution to the government’s policies. Do not let maritime investment be unfollowed by knowledge and fisherman management. Do not let fishermen be abandoned from this maritime program,” he explained. (Kompas, December 31st 2014)

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