ASDP Reaps IDR1.2 Trillion Revenue


JAKARTA – PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry, provider of sea crossing service, reaped IDR1.2 trillion revenue in the first nine months or around 62% from the target in 2013 amounted to IDR1.92 trillion.

Corporate Secretary of ASDP Indonesia Ferry Christine Hutabarat, said performance up to Q3/2013 is mostly from Merak Crossing Port, Banten, with IDR368.68 billion or around 31% from the company’s total revenue.

“The revenue is also contributed by new fleets particularly for strengthening service in commercial lines,” she told Bisnis on Monday (11/18).

Other than Merak port, Christine said, the revenue also comes from a number of ports under ASDP management, such as Bakauheni port, contributing IDR92.17 billion or 7.7%;Ketapang port by 7.5% (IDR89.78 billion); Lembar port by 5.1% (IDR61.05 billion), and Balikpapan port by 4.6% (IDR55.06 billion)

Besides, there are four crossing ports in eastern Indonesia which also contribute to ASDP namely Ambon port (IDR42 billion), Kayangan port (40.7 billion), Ternate port (IDR38.3 billion), and Kupang port (IDR37.11 billion).

Nevertheless, in terms of profit, until Q3/2013, ASDP experienced decline up to 48% to IDR63 billion than last year’s IDR121 billion.

Christine argued the decrease of profit mostly is multiplier effect of fuel price hike and the idleness of ASDP’s new ships due to absence of permits from Ministry of Transportation. In addition, it is also caused by the opening of Lamongan-Makasar line which cost expensive.

PR Manager of ASDP Indonesia, Ferry Adi, added so far it has run 127 units of roll on roll off vessels serving 34 commercial lines and 121 pioneering lines.

“Along this year there are 4 new imported used vessels, namely KMP Portlink, Portlink III, V, and VII. We also receive new vessels from the Ministry such as KMP Gambolo, Manta II, etc,” he said.






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