ALFI Urges PBM Selection Revoke

JAKARTA – Logistic employers urged PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) II to revoke stevedoring company (PBM) selection in Tanjung Priok Port.

Jakarta Indonesian Logistic and Forwarder Association (ALFI) Regional Secretary, Adil Karim, said the urge is delivered to give a similar business opportunity and equality to all PBMs at Indonesia’s busiest port.

So far, PBM selection in Tanjung Priok Port does not give benefit in form of performance improvement and stevedoring speed in Tanjung Priok Port. “PBM selection will escalate logistic cost since stevedoring activity is only conducted by selected PBM in Tanjung Priok Port. It will give no competition in stevedoring business so logistic cost will surge,” he told Bisnis on Tuesday (1/6).

He expected PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) II opens itself for mutual improvement of private business sector in Tanjung Priok Port to lower logistic cost along the implementation of 2015 ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).

Adil continued it is normal if PBM selection in Tanjung Priok Port is evaluated or revoked. In addition, the regulation over Decree Letter (SK) of Pelindo II Board of Directors has ended since last year. “There should be no more selected PBM in Tanjung Priok Port. It is no problem for any commodity owners conducting stevedoring activity as long as it is efficient and on time,” he said.

Initially, PBM selection in Tanjung Priok Port referred to Pelindo II Board of Directors SK No. HK.56/5/7/PI.II-10 on September 15th 2010 about the implementation of selected PBMs for business activities in Tanjung Priok Port’s terminals.

The regulation is amended through Pelindo II Board of Directors SK No. HK.56/2/5/PI.II-12 on April 13th 2012 about the implementation of selected PBMs as stevedoring working partners for Pelindo II in Tanjung Priok Port which lasts until September 14th 2013.

Adil said it is time for logistic sector, including port service activity to improve its performance with proper investment support so logistic service process can be more efficient. “Not by restricting the business. Let them compete and in the end, service users will choose which PBMs providing efficiency during stevedoring activity,” he said.

Indonesian PBM Association (APBMI) Chairman, Sodik Harjono, said PBM selection in Tanjung Priok Port needs to be evaluated since it does not hit the right target in improving port’s performance. (Bisnis Indonesia)

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