Arpeni Turns to Profit


JAKARTA (Indonesia Today) – Marine shipping company PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk (APOL)booked net profit of Rp202.96 billion in the first 9 months to September of 2012, compared to loss Rp1.14 trillion in the same period of 2011.

Service revenues declined to Rp880.91 billion from previous Rp952.58 billion. Cost of revenues totaled Rp1.08 trillion, the gross loss was Rp196.95 billion.

Operating profit loss reached Rp330.99 billion, smaller than operating loss Rp800.77 billion a year earlier.

However the company booked finance income of Rp730.59 billion and recorded lower finance costs of Rp185.93 billion. In first 9 months to September 2011, it recorded finance income of Rp32.06 billion and finance costs of Rp363.19 billion.

As of September 2012, its assets totaled Rp821.36 billion while liability amounted Rp466.65 billion



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