DATE: October 09, 2012

COUNTRY: Singapore

PORT: Pulau Bukom

Repairs at Shell Terminal, Pulau Bukom


The working period for repairs being carried out at Wharf 6 at Shell Terminal, Pulau Bukom, has been extended. The work will now be conducted from 10 October 2012 to 30 March 2013.

According to the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore’s Port Marine Notice No.146 of 2012, the works will be carried out 24 hours daily – including Sundays & Public Holidays – within the area bounded by the following coordinates (WGS 84 Datum):

A) 01° 14.178’N / 103° 46.172’E
B) 01° 14.200’N / 103° 46.194’E
C) 01° 14.106’N / 103° 46.311’E
D) 01° 14.067’N / 103° 46.300’E

Construction of the jetty will entail piling, concrete works and construction of dolphins deck. Piling and concrete works will be carried out by crane barges. Work barges will be deployed for the transportation of construction materials. Marine surveys will be carried out on completion of construction works.

Safety boats will be deployed in the vicinity to warn other craft to keep clear of the working area.

Craft involved in the works will exhibit the appropriate local and international day and night signals.

When in the vicinity of the working area, mariners are reminded to:

a)      keep well clear and not to enter the working area

b)      maintain a proper lookout

c)      proceed at a safe speed & navigate with caution
d) maintain a listening watch on appropriate VHF Channel 68
e) Communicate with West control on VHF Channel 68 for assistance, if required.
For information about operations in Singapore contact GAC Singapore at


DATE: October 09, 2012

COUNTRY: United States

PORT: Delaware River

Marcus Hook Anchorage Safety Zone


The U.S. Coast Guard has established a safety zone around the Dredge ESSEX, from October 9 through October 12, while it operates within Marcus Hook Anchorage, preparing for annual maintenance dredging operations within the range (33CFR165.555).

During this time period the upper portion of the anchorage shall be closed to all vessel traffic while the dredge lays submerged pipeline within the anchorage. Vessels desiring to anchor within the downriver portion of Marcus Hook Anchor must obtain permission from the Captain of the Port at least 24 hours in advance at (215) 271-4807 [33CFR110.157(b)(11)(1)]. The Captain of the Port will permit one vessel at a time in Marcus Hook Anchorage on a ‘first come first serve’ basis. Vessels are encouraged to use Mantua Creek Anchorage (Anchorage #9) and Deepwater Point Anchorage (#6) as alternatives.

The operator of any vessel in the safety zone shall proceed as directed by the designated representatives of the Captain of the Port and shall contact the Dredge ESSEX by phone at 757-353-0455 or on channel 13 or 16 VHF for passing information.
(For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at


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