Berlian Laju Tanker Asset Protection Extended


JAKARTA: Cruise company PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk received another extension of asset protection from the Singapore High Court on Friday (10/5).

The extension on protection on the sizure risk will be given until November 13, following the incompletion of Suspension of Debt Repayment (PKPU) process which involves the company in the Commercial Court, Jakarta.

According to the company’s information disclosure provided on the Singapore Exchange (SGX), the assertion was made related to the detention of one Berlian Tanker vessel, Gas Kalimantan, in Korea by one of its creditors, ASL Shipyard Pte Ltd.

“This detention was an illegal act and violated PKPU provision. Berlian Tanker will take any action to immediately release the ship,” said Cosimo Borrelli as company’s financial advisor in a release. (t07/tw)


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