East Asia Action Week Commences Monday


ITF inspectors and union members will launch a maritime action week across East Asian ports next week from Monday 9 to Friday 13 July in Japan, Korea, Russia and Taiwan.

This is the second East Asia week of action for 2012, and will involve joint teams of ITF inspectors, and seafarer and docker trade unionists making ship visits to check and enforce decent pay and working conditions.

ITF coordinator for Japan, Fusao Ohori, explained what is planned: “The campaign in this region focuses on the safety condition of lifesaving appliances, cargo work equipment, working terms and conditions for crew, and applying ITF acceptable agreements for flag of convenience vessels.”

A rally will also be held in front of the Dowa Line head office in Tokyo, with a further rally one at the Kotoku Kaiun HQ. These companies faced particular scrutiny in the earlier East Asian week of action in February.

Speaking from Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ITF inspector Tse-Ting Tu said that teams would be paying particular attention to the condition of lifesaving, safety and cargo handling equipment, along with crews’ terms and conditions.






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