Two Maritime BUMNs Obtain IDR 2.5 Trillion

JAKARTA – Two state-owned enterprises (BUMN), PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Pelni) and PT Pelindo IV, obtain IDR 500 billion and IDR 2 trillion aid budget respectively in state capital injection (PMN) which will be used to support infrastructures.

Pelni plans to use IDR 500 billion budget given by the government in PMN scheme to purchase six container vessels.

Elfien Guntoro, PT Pelni Commercial and Business Development Director, said this year, the firm will develop its business to commodity shipping.

This business development goes along with the government’s plan to give maritime transportation service through sea highway concept.

According to him, the firm will obtain IDR 500 billion aid budget in the PMN proposed to BUMN Ministry and forwarded to Finance Ministry to be ratified by Representative House (DPR). “We will invest the PMN for container vessels serving sea highway,” he said on Monday (1/12).

Later, the vessel operation will be located in eastern Indonesia, especially in staple commodity shipping. With this innovation, imbalance and gap between western and eastern Indonesia can be lowered.

However, the firm will still run its task to give service for passenger transportation based on public service obligation (PSO) budget given by the government. “Currently, we are also trying to develop this, besides passengers.”

On the other hand, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) IV will receive IDR 2 trillion budget from the government in the similar scheme. The firm will obtain budget in 2015 Revised Budget which will be disbursed in February 2015.

Performance Reference

National Development Planning Ministry (Bappenas)’s Transportation Director, Bambang Prihartono, said the PMN goes along with the government’s plan to implement sea highway concept.

The government only gives budget through PMN scheme to Pelindo IV while Pelindo I, II, and III will use its internal budget.

According to him, budget allocation is only given to Pelindo IV referring to only the firm’s financial performance. “Central government is preparing infrastructures. For IDR 2 trillion budget, it will be disbursed in February only for Pelindo IV.”

2013-2014 Global Competitiveness Report released by World Economic Forum stated national transportation infrastructure condition is still left behind by the neighboring countries. For road quality, Indonesia places 72nd with 3.9 score and its train infrastructure places 41st with 3.7 score. Specifically fir port infrastructure, Indonesia only places 77th with 4.0 score.

In Bappenas’ sea highway concept, 24 ports will be developed in Indonesia with IDR 699.99 trillion budget.

In detail, the budget will be used to construct 24 ports of IDR 243.7 trillion as well as to develop small ports and to procure vessel of IDR 7.5 trillion.

Moreover, Bappenas also asked all port operators to develop the port nearby industrial area besides to improve human resource quality. (Bisnis Indonesia)

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