Susi Uses All of Her Best Moves

JAKARTA – IDR 300 trillion loss inflicting the country due to illegal fishing per year forces Maritime and Fishery (KP) Minister, Susi Pudjiastuti, to use all of her best moves.

“If we cannot deal with it using Fishery Law, can Customs and Excise Office deal with it? The point is, I will use my best moves to deal with it,” she said on Friday night (1/9).

To eradicate illegal fishing in Indonesian waters, the government will enhance Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla) in running its functions as maritime guard and overseer.

Susi said by Bakamla enhancement, illegal fishing settlement will be easier and its result can be seen since Bakamla will be one of the institutions involved in illegal fishing task force established since December 2014.

“Bakamla is involved in illegal fishing task force for its administrative settlement power,” she said.

Susi added illegal fishing settlement will also be improved by three laws namely Fishery Law, Shipping Law, and Customs Law.

Prior to that, Susi predicted illegal fishing has inflicted IDR 300 trillion loss to the country.

In similar occasion, Maritime Coordinating Minister, Indroyono Soesilo, explained Bakamla enhancement is conducted by strengthening command information and communication systems as well as by conducting operation trial.

“Bakamla is a new institute. Specifically for illegal fishing, we will try it to operate while waiting for the more comprehensive governmental regulation,” he said.

Data Collection

Later, he said, command information and communication systems among parties can be integrated with the existence of the agency. All information and data obtained from related parties such as ministries, Water and Air Police (Polairud), Indonesian Navy, Customs and Excise Office, as well as Sea and Coast Guard Unit (KPLP) will be collected by Bakamla.

Then, he continued, Bakamla’s trial in dealing with illegal fishing practice becomes the benchmark to see how far Bakamla’s abilities for coordination and operation.

Bakamla was expected to be an institution fully maintaining maritime sovereignty, security, and safety. Indroyono said in the future, Bakamla will also be a command for maritime investigation process.

According to him, for 0 to 12-mile area from coast line, investigation is conducted by KP Ministry and Polairud. For 12 to 200-mile area, investigation is conducted by PSDKP and Indonesian Navy. Meanwhile, outside 200-mile area, Indonesian Navy has full authority to conduct investigation.

Bakamla was formed based on Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 178/2014 about Bakamla Establishment referring to Law No. 32/2014 about Maritime.

Bakamla Head, Desi A. Mamahit, said the first effort Bakamla will conduct is to manage itself and to develop its ability of early warning system in dealing with illegal fishing practice.

“With early warning system, we will integrate the existing stakeholders. Therefore, we expected we can monitor all illegal fishing activities in Indonesian waters,” he said.

He added the related parties will also give their assets like vessels to Bakamla as the initial operational effort. According to him, in the near future, Indonesian Navy will give 10 vessels, KP Ministry will give 3-4 vessels, and Maritime Coordinating Ministery will give 4 vessels. Bakamla itself, he continued, only has three vessels currently. (Bisnis Indonesia)

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