Susi Is Curing Wrecked and Hurt Nationalism

The efforts of Maritime and Fishery (KP) Minister, Susi Pudjiastuti, to eradicate illegal fishing vessels in Indonesian waters must be supported by all people. The persuasion was delivered by House’s State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Commission Member.

“We must support Susi recovering the country’s honor and sovereignty which has been wrecked by foreign illegal fishing players. Let’s support it willingly. Don’t you do it half-heartedly or pretend to support but you do it unwillingly,” Lily asked in her working room yesterday.

Lily asked do not let people think what Susi does is wrong and wasteful since she spends great amount of fuel and high cost. Do not complain that we do not have advanced patrol vessels so we cannot detain foreign illegal fishing vessels. Her efforts must be fully supported since it has a noble purpose to restore wrecked nationalism.

The Golkar Party’s senior politician reminded curing hurt nationalism should not calculate profit and loss since it is related to the efforts to awaken the nation. If the holy mission is for the sake of nation and country, there is nothing expensive since the loss due to illegal fishing reaches hundreds trillion.

“However, Susi and her office should not half-heartedly make moves. The executives backing illegal fishing up and ignoring foreign illegal fishing vessels in our waters must be punished since they obtain profit by sacrificing our nationalism,” Lily said.

According to her, Susi’s efforts must be imitated by other Jokowi’s ministers. In the end, Lily complimented Susi’s innovation over salt self-sufficiency through the establishment of salt factories in Indonesia. according to her, the effort is right since so far, the government has imported salt from other countries in great amount whereas Indonesia has its raw material.

“Imagine, last year, we imported 1.6 million tons salt. Only certain people enjoy the profit since they import with IDR 300 per kilogram while the government implements salt selling price of IDR 700 per kilogram so the profit is IDR 400 per kilogram. Therefore, Susi establishes salt factories so salt farmers can also enjoy its result,” Lily said.

In contrast, Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) politician, Hendrawan Supratikno, advised Susi who is greatly disappointed over low auction price for the vessels she has detained.

Hendrawan reminded Susi that a leader has two swords namely incentive sword and law sword. According to him, so far, Susi is still using law sword while another one, the incentive sword, is still sheathed so she faces countless obstacles.

According to him, if Susi wants to succeed her efforts, she has to use incentive sword by distributing proper incentives to the elements supporting her efforts. (Rakyat Merdeka)

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