Fish Price in Ambon Increases

AMBON, Kompas – Captured fishery business permit moratorium and the prohibition to employ foreign skipper and vessel crews drop fish production in Ambon Nusantara Fishery Port. Its production volume in November 2014 was 6,478 tons but in December, it was only 2,206 tons.

“Since the implementation of the regulation in November 2014, the number of vessel stopping operation keeps increasing for 60 vessels currently,” said Ambon Nusantara Fishery Port Head, AA Cholieq Syahid, in Ambon on Wednesday (1/7). The number of fishing vessel there is 101 units with minimum 150-GT deadweight each.

Production drop escalates the price of all fish types from around IDR 18,942 per kilogram in November 2014 to IDR 31,763 per kilogram in December 2014. Around 95 percent of the fishes unloaded at the port are consumed by fishery industry.

Fishery production drop is also experienced by PT Maritim TImur Jaya, a fishery firm located in Tual City. Around 70 vessels owned by the firm are not operated anymore since its business permit is not extended and there is prohibition to employ foreign vessel crews and sjipper. The firm operates around 70 vessels.

PT Maritim Timur Jaya Director, Dipa Tamteilahitu, said before implementing the regulation, his firm captured around 40 tons a day. After the prohibition is implemented, the production in December is only 5 tons. “Even, we have to buy it from local fishermen since our vessels are not operated anymore,” he said.

Due to the un-operated vessel, around 200 employees have been sent home. “The rest, around 200 employees, is local residents who will also be sent home since there is no operation at the firm,” he said.

Meanwhile, from the surveillance in Mardika Market, Ambon, the price of all fish types increases. One tuna with 1.5-kilogram weight is sold for IDR 60,000. Whereas previously, the price was IDR 45,000 per tuna. One snapper with 4-ons weight is sold for IDR 25,000 from the previous IDR 10,000.

“Currently, we have entered the season having high wave so fishing vessels cannot sail. Probably, fish price will keep increasing,” said Nurdin Ambo, a fish merchant in Mardika Market. Besides directly buying from local fishermen, Nurdin admitted he obtains fishes from collectors.

Maluku Maritime and Fishery Department Head, Romelus Far Far, said local fishermen’s catches can meet people’s needs. However, he said, one of the obstacles faced by local fishermen is bad weather striking all Maluku areas. (Kompas)

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