Military Does Not Carelessly Bomb Vessels since the World Will Be Shocked

Indonesian Military (TNI) Chief, General Moeldoko, stated TNI will not be ambiguous to deal with foreign illegal fishing vessels in Indonesian waters. However, he asked people to understand the obstacles faced by TNI during the execution since TNI cannot carelessly bomb the vessels.

Some people said TNI is slow. TNI is actually not slow but everything needs time for settlement. We do not and will not play with anyone. In illegal fishing, TNI will not be doubtful, ambiguous, not support any parties, not have tolerance,” Moeldoko asserted in the press conference after opening TNI Executive Meeting in Cilangkap TNI Base, Jakarta, yesterday.

TNI Chief emphasized his officers will not carelessly deal with illegal fishing vessels. For TNI, if the vessels are proven to conduct illegal fishing, TNI will surely sink the vessels. However, TNI, he said, cannot carelessly bomb the vessels since it has to follow the prevailing regulations.

“We cannot deliberately bomb the vessels. We need time. There are procedures and it we use aircrafts, we cannot deliberately bomb the vessels since the world will be shocked,” he said.

However, he asked people to also understand TNI’s weaknesses in maintaining Indonesian waters’ sovereignty since it is very spacious.

“We have spacious seas. It seems small on map but when we enter it, it is very spacious. The obstacle is fuel. This is the issue faced by Indonesian Navy (TNI AL),” Moeldoko added.

General Moeldoko said the patrol vessels operated to secure Indonesian waters need great cost for an operation. For frigate, he said, it needs IDR 900 million. “It can sail up to exclusive economic zone (ZEE). How will we act if the incident takes place in Ujung Berung? We will have never reached there,” he said.

However, TNI Chief asserted TNI can surely deal with foreign vessels and is ready to run the president’s instruction. “We are tough and will have no tolerance. Therefore, Indonesian people do not need to be doubtful with TNI’s efforts,” he asserted.

Indonesian Navy Chief of Staff, Admiral Marsetio, added his office focuses on securing Indonesian waters’ sovereignty especially in border areas. “Our regions border with 10 countries so we focus on maintaining sovereignty. Indonesian Navy has conducted several efforts such as vessel inspection procedure, termination, and arrestment while waiting for court’s verdict. Like several days ago, we have sunk several vessels so we have conducted enforcement,” he said. (Rakyat Merdeka)

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