INSA Is Objected with Balikpapan Bay Bridge

BALIKPAPAN – Shipyard industry players in Balikpapan asked the government to review Balikpapan Bay Bridge construction plan since it may disrupt shipyard activities in the waters around it.

Balikpapan Indonesian National Shipowners’ Association (INSA) DPC Chairman, Rahmad Masud, said the bridge may limit vessel size which will head to Minyak City.

Whereas, Balikpapan has Karingau Container Terminal projected as a hub in East Kalimantan. “Since the size of crossing vessels will increase very year and it goes along with the government’s plan to develop sea highway for cost efficiency. If there is a badge, the crossing vessels can only be as high as the bridge,” he said on Friday (12/26).

According to plan, he explained, Balikpapan Bay Bridge has 50-meter height from sea level. Rahmad said the highest vessel crossing the sea lane this year reaches 62 meters. One year before, the highest vessel crossing the sea lane still reaches 43 meters. “If the height is limited to 50 meters, only small vessels can cross and it will not be efficient,” he asserted.

If bridge height is added, he explained, it may disrupt air traffic over the bridge since the area is included in flight safety area.

Meanwhile, Balikpapan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) IV General Manager, M. Basir, said his office suggested that bridge must be constructed with 68 meters height above sea level. “We are not the party having authority to determine bridge height but we suggested the number is appropriate with the condition at field,” he said.

If bridge height is too low, he said, PT Pertamina’s tankers entering oil storage area will be disrupted.

Another issue is an industrial area developed by the government located inside Balikpapan Bay. The bridge construction is based on several reasons, one of which is bridge location nearby governmental area will ease people’s movement from Penajam to Balikpapan. The bridge will also be connected with coastal road constructed by Balikpapan City Government.

North Penajam Paser Regent, Yusran Aspar, said his office is still awaiting the permit from Transportation Ministry over bridge height.

He said the proposed bridge height of 50 meters has been through study from the planning team. “It has been calculated from the data of vessels crossing the lane. If there are bigger vessels, I want to see it,” he said.

He added North Penajam Paser Regency Government also has interest with the bridge height since it has an industrial area located inside the bay. If bridge height is not appropriate, the industrial area under construction cannot be developed. (Bisnis Indonesia)

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