KN Bintang Laut Caught 248 Illegal Indonesian Labors


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The patrol boat of IMSCB ‘KN Bintang Laut 4801’ secured 248 illegal Indonesian Labors in Batu Besar marine territory. The personnel of Indonesian Maritime Security Coordinating Board ‘Batam 1st Satgas’ managed to capture a speed boat equipped with 5 engines ‘1,000 horse power’ carrying 248 illegal Indonesian Labors working in Malaysia, Tuesday (12/11). Obviously, these labors that came from various areas in Indonesia were assembling at Tanjung Ayam, Johor around 05: 00 P.M before departing to Tanjung Pinang. However, the patrol ship ‘KN Bintang Laut 4801’ of IMSCB was managed to intercept the illegal speed boat since it didn’t has a complete documents. Moreover, the location of the interception was at Nongsa marine territory, Batam around 10.00 A.M.

Furthermore, the Illegal Indonesian Labors consisted of 60 women, 188 men, and 12 children. They were carried with a 15 meters fiber boat which has 1000 horse power. At the time being, those labors were still investigated by IMSCB. Then, they will be taken to the Social Department whereas the captain and the crews to the Naval Base in Batam to undergo the process of law. To conclude, both the passengers and the crews were violated the Regulation No.17 year 2008 about the voyage regulation.






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