Chinese Sailor Arrested in Japan after Deadly Collision

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According to Japanese maritime officials, a Chinese seafarer was arrested after the tragic accident between 2 cargo vessels.

At the time of the tragic collision between the Eifuku Maru No 18 and the Siera Leone-flagged vessel Jia Hui, when 5 Japanese seafarers lost their lives and another is still missing, on duty has been the Xia Hong-bo, 35-year old sailor, reported the spokesman of the Japanese Coast Guard.

The accident between Jia Hui cargo ship and the capsized Eifuku Maru No 18 vessel occurred around 7 nautical miles south of Tokyo.

Japanese coast guard is conducting a search and rescue operation to find the missing crew member, a 61-year-old engineer of Eifuku Maru.

Kyodo agency quoted the held on suspicion of negligence crew member Xia Hong-bo that the situations was out of control and it was impossible to avoid the collision between both cargo ships.

According to the initial reports all the 13 seamen onboard the Jia Hui cargo vessel are in good health condition.

The crew member on duty, at the time of the fatal accident Mr. Xia Hong-bo was arrested by the Chinese embassy. Xinhua informed that Chinese embassy requested the Japanese government to conduct an investigation on the accident and to secure a lawyer to Xia hong-bo.

According to released information, bodies of 5 victims were recovered. A helicopter and Coast Guard vessels were dispatched by the Japanese maritime authorities to conduct a search and rescue operation for the missing engineer.

The cause of the accident between Eifuku Maru No 18 and Jia Hui is still unknown.


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